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Today i made huge progress i finished all my projects. Now all i have to do is my homework that  i have such a low grade on. I ll probably take some of the extra credit so i wont have a eighty in this class so yeah.

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Idea #45

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Summery for ac-189  overall i did really good in this project.Except for the bookmarks but it still gives plenty of info on some crackers. So its k i guess. That's my summery for the project. I clearly graded myself Farley But its up to Mrs. Hinojosa to judge. Nexr its the powerpoint project same as this one exept this one is nearly perfect

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A million!!

I won a Million But the other computer did now want to post!!!

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My finished project

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What i can do to prepare for the test. For once i will Study do my tech booklet. Work on my own time. Do my own independent practice. My info will be from the Internet ill review from Mrs Hinjosas Review.

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Technology has changed it in many ways. Cause from black and white. TO HD it was a huge change. The technology has changed it on whats on the inside. that's what has happened. So it changes itself

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I think I will be done on monday

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Our epal can help us be a better person. How you might ask? Well its because you learn the cultures from other places. So you learn more for the day. Thats what i think. So yeah thats what i know . So yea knowing the culture could really help out in the future if you meet people it also is a way of making friends.

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I see myself communicating with my epal by email. I respond to the music popular in your country. Why well it is the easiest way to communicate. And besides that its fun communicating. And with email it makes it much easier.

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A good Pen Pal

A good pen pal has to always reply to your posts. Thats what i telling you. They also have to b respectful:> Oh and I have to reply to to be a good pen pal.

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Why is creating goals important?

Well greeting goals is very important. They tell you what you have to do in your life. But seriously you should aim for high goals. That's why its very important.

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I can improve my wpm by actually practicing my tiepin. That's what I'm going to do to improve the wpm. Cause right now my wpm is really low its 22. So by the end of the year i should be like in the thirties fives. that's what i think i should do. So that's pretty much the exit question.

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Im in the rankings of 3-4 cause i actually when i got here on thursday and friday i advanced in my project a lot. Then when i was almost done i checked it didn't look right. Thats why i gave myself a 3-4. Not because im giving myself a high grade. Thats pretty much it because thats how i evaluated myself.

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I will complete my movie and add the finishing touches on it. so i can get an awesome grade. Also I will catch up on any work i have missed this passed week. Also for the next thing i will have fun doing all my work.

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I will stay focused. I wont get distracted. I will do everything I am told. I will pay attention to the speaker. and be on task.

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well i have a pretty good idea in how to.I have to be prepared and always be on task. Also i will also have to do everuthing that mrs hinojosa has us do. TO do great in this day of wonders.

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The answer for the do now was $25

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This tool will help us so when the time comes we will be ready for the taks. So yeah when we take taks we will be ready. Everything on the online review will probably be on the taks so yeah. Percentages and everything. Its just so cool that we could get to review for taks in this way.Yeah tats pretty much it for this tool of learning. Until next time see ya

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I used them to go over the topic yeah it was very easy. It was cool so yeah pretty much it.

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They will help us prepare for the taks by gibing us something to practice. They will show us on how to do good & give us a review on what will be on the Taks. That way we will be ready for what the taks has. So yeah thats pretty much it if you study you will probably do good in your studies. Yeah thats it. It will be like taking a piece of pizzA.

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Alice was very impruded when she drank the mysterious potion labeled "drink me''

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Rules: Game:: Soldier: Army

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A typical Japanese kimono is made from eight pieces of fabric.

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Sam's beach ball was buoyant, so therefore it would not sink.

Haiku: Poetry: Chameleon: reptile

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1A chelo is a instrument in a orchestra.

Abigail hates her rigmole cause she does

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the best answer is song the relationship between the first pair of words

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My dog is a mongrel because he is a mixed breed.

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1. During a meeting of her woman face mary said she would abstain meaning she would not vote on the proposal under discussion.

2. stereo: expensive::porcupine: spiny

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1. Cynthia could not be called penurious because she spent a great deal of money.

2. Lose is the opposite of win.

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BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games.

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The analogy was answer choice c

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Arturo was in quandry  when he saw the complex crossword puzzle.

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How can you still continue producing products without the process journal.

Ok so you could continue makeing more products by just getting ideas and such.IT could help you by beg=coming a better writer trust me. I know what I am saying. OK if you trust me i will tell you. If you keep on making projects you will get better. Not just at that but at many other things. If you listen to this i will give you a great surprise. ok so if you have Halo 3 I will unlock recon armor for you just listen to my advise and paste a comment.

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WoRd Of ThE DaY

The abominable kid tried to hurt me

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The Design Cycle.

The design cycle process has helped me create my product on the computer by showing the steps of it.So yeah the design cycle helps you in a lot of things. As I said it helps you create a product, which is good if you want to make some really great cash.OK so the following steps help you create your product and the procedures. OK the following are it. Get ready to do this. Research materials do what is told so you could have a clear idea of what it is. It is a circle that shows steps in order to create a product as i have said many times.

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It has changed because now I like to be more in the computer. And it makes me very interested in learning about this. It has changed in the way that the old is old news thats why. So yeah thats pretty much why. The old is old new is new. But still keep watch. You may learn from the past.

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How can learning about technology help me.

Well it could help me in many ways the following are the helping. So yeah it could help you by teaching you how to type learning famous people. So yeah there is pretty much many reasons how it could help you. In otheer words it could help you like this. You could learn the old ways of tech. You could also learn many other things. So yeah go to a local library and learn. About technology go seriously.

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How can I become a more proficient typer.

Well for once you can become a more proficient type if you can learn. You will also become more proficient if you do as you are told. If you listen to your teacher you will learn. So if you do as you are told you will sauced. So yeah become a better typist today and be good at it.

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How can learning about keyboarding rules help me in the future

Well for one learning the keyboarding rules will help me be a better type. In other words yes i will be fast and error free in the keyboarding way. Not tyring to sound statistic but typing is faster than writing the story or whatever by hand. Just tell any one but it is not proven you have to be a fast type for that to be true. So yeah that's pretty much it for a bit of typing rules. The typing rules also help you if your stuck in typing, and will show you the way out. So grab a set of keyboarding rules and become a better type today!

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BubbleShare: Share photos - Find great Clip Art Images.

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How can you use bubble share to boost your tech skill!

Bubble share is a fast an easy way in evaluating another persons work. So yeah when you are ready. So just use bubble share to avail your powere point and yeah. Thats how the prosses pretty much is cause of the thechnology these days is so advanced. Bubble share can be used to make many things. And as it says it is for sharing. Not just info but other things too.

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How would you imagine yourself using a computer in the future?

I could Se myself using a computer when i go to collage. Doing all my work on the computer in collage will help me in many ways. It will also help me in the ways of work. It will help me when i work in computer animation. So i could make some of the best video games. So i could be successful in life. So yeah that's pretty much it. Well not really of course using computers will help you in so many ways it will help you in jobs and be successful.

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How can learning about computer parts help me in the real world?

Well learning about computer parts can help you in the real world in many ways.

1. First one if you're looking for a job in the technology business you should learn about CPU.

2. Computer parts in general hold a lot of info so crack them open and learn.

3. Learning about computer parts can help if you're going to design the next line of computers.

4. Computer parts can help you become smarter in the ways of technology.

So as you know now learning about computer parts is very important for the future.
Learning about computer parts will help you out a lot so when you get a job that requires CPU experience you have it and wont get fired you will get promoted.

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sell the kids for food............please?

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How can you use email in your daily life?

You can use email in class to send the assignment to our classroom teacher. We  also use it us be social with friends. We also use email to send communications faster than the regular speed we send it in.We use email in many ways so if it matters it does. So yeah if you guys want to socialize like really fast. Then emailing is for You.

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The myp cycle

The MYP cycle can help me create a email in many ways. For one way It shows the steps making the e-mail. Another way is that it could give a description of the steps. It shows the order in which the email. It shows the way it will be created and done. It show the steps to create a great email.

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Friday 30 january

Fastest wpm is 67 and lesson 8

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friday,techconnect WPM

Today on Friday i typed 19 words per minute.

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January 29th 09

The fastest wpm Ive gone is 65 lesson 8

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January 29th 09

Fastest wpm is a 59 and I'm in lesson 7

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Rags to riches help me.

Rags to riches can help me in many ways. This program could help  me learn more about computers. This program also helps me learn more as Ive said. This program is just great to have. Its  one of the best. This program helps me a lot. It shows how to use the keyboard and stuff like that.

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Tuesday Techconnect- WPM

Today, I typed 55 wpm and I am in lesson 5.

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How can technology help you how to type?

Well technology can help you in many ways but were only going to talk about typing. Technology can help you in many ways when it comes to typing. Cause how would you learn how to type without a keyboard. And technology has come a far way since the beginning. Technology can help you how to type with certain programs in the computer.

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Typing in the Future

You need typing in the future so that in jobs when you have to work on a assignment and there is a due date you will know what to do and do it. If you also have this talent it will help you in collage cause most or if not all of collage assignments you have to type. This talent is very useful. This talent is to help you in the future. It will help you and make you're future less difficult.

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How can Idea Mission help me go to College?

Why is Idea collage prep a great way to go to collage and succeed in life well this is the way. This school is also great cause it gets us ready to go to college. With Idea you probably will get a chance to get a scholarship with a bunch of money. This school shows if your responsibility. This helps you so much that when you go to collage it seems like a breeze. That's why Idea prepares us to go to collage.

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Five acceptable uses of the Computer

Do now: the 5 acceptable uses of the computer are: Don't show your picture don't give the computer a virus : Don't mess with the keyboard don't show your full name and don't play with the computer

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Do now;; January 20,2009

The five topics on the Test this friday are:

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